Happy 50th birthday, Stramilano!


Stramilano 2023

Today more than 60.000 people poured into the city streets to celebrate Stramilano’s 50 years, Italy’s fastest and best-loved marathon.

At 9 a.m. the flight of two Air Force Tornado Fighters along with the traditional shot of the Historic Cannon of the Horse Artillery Regiment and trumpets’ sounds of the Bersaglieri Fanfare kicked off what is known as the Stramilano of the 50,000 – even though there are now more and more participants – the non-competitive run that takes place on the classic 10-kilometer flat course through the most characteristic streets of the city to the Arena Civica. Paola Di Benedetto, the event’s patroness, and Martina Riva, the Councillor for Sports Tourism and Youth Policies of the City of Milan, fired blanks.
Men, women, school groups and clubs ran or walked, spreading that spirit of celebration, friendship, cooperation, and solidarity that only sports can convey.
At 9:30 a.m. little runners accompanied by parents, grandparents, friends and teachers started the Stramilanina, the 5-kilometer mini-race.
Finally, the Civic Arena brought together in its large lawns all the runners of the three races for moments of refreshment, fun and entertainment with the acrobatic exhibition of the Carabinieri Sports Center Paratroopers who jumped, landing on the field of the Arena, between the enthusiasm and amazement of the participants.

The appointment with Stramilano’s 51st edition is for March 24, 2024!
